Saturday, September 30, 2006


Your pal Beadle had a showing of his new line of paintings at Voltage on Main St. Congrats Beadle and top marks on yet another great series!

the master with one of his larger pieces and a fine sarsaparilla

everyone wants a picture of the master

the window to the master's soul

Lawson makes a Vancouver appearance before heading off to
London to work on the movie version of The Golden Compass.

Greg thinks soooo hard about stuff that a snake slithers
out of his head.

Gamble and Raspy don't like you...

...but the Master, Hopkins and Bonnie do

After the show I really needed some soup. I ordered roasted apple and onion and it was fine, thank you.


  1. Johnny !

    Thanks so much for coming to check out my show ! And thanks for putting the experience up on your blog ! I find the photo of you with your choice of soup the most fascinating. Thanks man !

    your pal,

  2. Johnny your blog NEVER fails to amuse me. Looks like a great time at VOLTAGE. I'm with beadle on the soup pic. I can hear your voice in my head telling me its fine and thank you...

    hope you and new babe Kamala and Kai are all well
