Wednesday, February 06, 2008


A while ago I posted about Weinerboy, a production company that Craig McEwen and I set up years ago. We did music videos, corporate industrial stuff, visuals for live shows, swamping and yard work. We asked our friend Geoff Coates (who at the time was the art director for a very young Adbusters) to whip us up some logos and art work to accompany our marketing assault.

Recently Geoff just unearthed his original sketches of the weinerboys and sent them my way with some commentary. Here they are!

Here it is, Weinerboy sketch #1

You see it coming together, don't you?

Trying to figure out how to draw a cute weiner.
I'm amazed at my lack of can-draw-iness.

Mmmm...that's bad perspective.

A sketch of the first (and, it doesn't need to be
said, only) Busy Comics! My favourite part's
the note: "Johnny Canuck gives Hitler a pop!"

The thumbnail

And the kind-of final!

Ahhh, Weinerboy! Thanks Geoff! Craig McEwen reports that he is going to be sending me a final version of Busy Comics soon as well as our celebrated and controversial X-mas card! Stay tuned!

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