Thursday, March 20, 2008


I'm like a year behind on this but architect and founder of the Office for Metropolitan Architecture Rem Koolhaas is proposing to add to Dubai's already INSANE construction plans (go to Google Earth and check out what's being done) by designing a building that looks fiercely familiar to a planet-destroyer we all know.

The Ras al Khaimah Convention and Exhibition Centre holds a convention centre, hotel rooms, apartments, offices, god damn retail space and a massive superlaser. But that's not even the beginning! The 44-story planet-destroying building sits on the corner of a proposed near square 1.5 billion square foot man-made island in the middle of Dubai.

Rem and his team propose to remove the existing ground and allow the sea water to flow in to create their fantasy island. His plan for "Waterfront City" doesn't just include the island itself but its 4 surrounding areas as well.

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