Tuesday, March 11, 2008



It looks like their site has collapsed due to excessive bandwidth consumption. Head over to Fred's personal YouTube site and check out more of their awesome stuff!!!!

Below, Fred responds with mad props to another film-maker's video about a farmer's market with a video comment while listening to The Jesus & Mary Chain.

And here is a video movie production of a farmer's market on Hallowe'en. It showcases a snapshot of the Vernon farmer's market but more importantly, it's a great example of Fred's exciting journalism interviewing skills and cutting-edge editing techniques. My favourite part is at the 4:28 mark when Fred asks a girl dressed up like a bicycler to repeat what he just missed so she says "Happy Hallowe'en!" and then Fred zooms in on her face and it goes unconventionally out-of-focus while she blankly stares into the camera ...we're waiting...waiting...and then "CUT!" Talk about creepy suspense!!!!


  1. what was with the subliminal message at the end there? Wait a minute I watched this... to the end. Does that mean I am going to die or something? or get a weird phone call with someone breathing at the end of it?

  2. I went to utube and watched them all. After the xmas special I started to get flashbacks of Vietnam and began to eat my own toes.

  3. No tri-pod? No shotgun mic? This is guerrilla film making at it's worst... I mean best... no, worst.

    Did I say "film making"?

    I like how the pottery guy reveals himself to be a robot as soon as he talks.

    Why'd the guy get all creepy-camera-stalker on that girl in purple? Before that, the video was just bad... but then it became something else.
