Thursday, March 06, 2008


I updated it because of a great suggestion from Ken Henderson who said that all it needed was some kind of treatment that would make some element appear like it was 3D. I took the pentagram and lightning bolt and gave it an amazing inner-bevel effect which really brings my logo into the future. Great idea Ken. Now I really can't wait until this thing is actually on everyone's sneakers.

Here's John Dryden's well received rendering of my logo. According to Dryden, "If you look at it closely, you will plainly see that it is THE ULTIMATE LOGO." He's right. I have designed an incredible logo. John made it better because it has my favourite hockey team's logo incorporated into it as well as he's gone above and beyond the line of duty to take it upon himself to change the sickle thing that's all chrome and sharp to a ninja star which, according to Dryden, is "pretty goddamn radical. I'd rather be dead than red!" He also states "This fucking logo god damn rules." Oh, I know Dryden, I know. I've booked a session at Vinnie's Tattoo Parlour on Sunday to have it etched into my neck.


  1. Jesus Christ, just so you know that last message was from Me, Todd. Just in case you thought my wife was harsh like that. I forgot to log off her log in. Seriously, you must think I'm a total loser. OMG LOL ROFL!!! :)

  2. Anonymous12:02 AM

    I love it I just wish it had some gratuitous beveling / extruding or other hack 3D elements in it. THEN it would really start to sing.

    From there... the animation and sound FX will make this fucker world class.


  3. I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. I've been under a lot of stress lately.
