Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I'm currently in super-training to be givin'er and gettin'er done on June 20th. If you want to donate to the BC Children's Hospital, head over to my donation page and giv'er!

You can do your part and find out more information about this fund-raiser here!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Johnny! Chip's Not Dead Yet 2009 is around the corner, and we wanted to get you up to speed on what’s happening for the event because, well, we’re excited.

    The second annual Chip's Not Dead Yet Memorial Mile is scheduled to take place on June 20, 2009. Once again, all proceeds will go to the BC Children's Hospital.

    You remember the bridesmaids, rockstars and underwear runner from last year? This time, Chip's Not Dead Yet wants Vancouver to come up with its own idea for a theme wave. We're holding a video contest—best theme wave idea wins. Pull your camera out, get a group of family or friends together and make it happen! Submit your video to www.cndy.ca before March 2nd, 2009. Participants are eligible to win $1000, or a monthly prize pack.

    Registration opens in February 2009. Urge your readers to get involved.
