Thanks Clint Butler! - Watch more free videos
Demetri, if you have a chance, I'd love to read your script! Here's how it's going to work: It is now 5:55 on Friday, June 27th. If I haven't heard from you by say...Sunday at, oh, 4:00, then forget it. I don't usually ask men for their scripts to read, but you sound elegant and I'm giving you this one chance. If I don't have a script in my mitts by Sunday at 4:00; forget it. Now I understand that this is a sudden request. Perhaps you were at a light and just got rear-ended and you're dealing with insurance and auto body repair shops right now; or perhaps you, I don't know, are a volunteer forest fighter with cancer and you're out helping put out brush fires and dealing with chemotherapy at the same time? Again, I can't answer these questions but I'll tell you this, Demetri: If I don't have a script in my bloody paws by Sunday at 4:00, it's over. I will delete this post and pretend that you never even existed. Bye-bye.
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