Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I found myself in the Petro-Can today buying me up some snacks when I was suddenly floored by my man Ali's HUGE CALCULATOR! I said, "Holy shit-balls that's a big calculator!" to which he replied, "Yes it is." I left the store shaking my head in disbelief and then it dawned on me; no one will ever believe me. I turned back and asked him, "Can I take a picture of you with your HUGE CALCULATOR?" to which he replied, "Yes you can." "How come it's so big?" "Because I don't like the little ones." He's right. The little ones are pathetic. If you want to see this whopping-big calculator for yourself, head over to the Petro-Can station on Clarke & Broadway. YOU WON'T BELIEVE YOUR EYES! I only wish I asked him to punch in "5318008" and hold it upside down.


  1. That's the second biggest calculator I've ever seen!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
