Saturday, February 23, 2008


Tonight the Vancouver International Mountain Film Festival got invaded by hundreds of people who literally packed the theatre to standing-room only to see Murray Siple's new documentary Carts of Darkness. I've been waiting to see this movie now for a few years since Murray first posted his original short trailer for the film and I have to say, COD went waaay beyond my expectations.

Murray Siple

The people in Murray's documentary are great and I laughed my ass off so many times. The whole theatre was cheering and laughing and applauding throughout the whole movie. Murray treated these guys with respect and dignity and got deep into their lives and world. The movie has the thrills and edge-of-your-seat action that you'd expect by watching the trailer, but it also has a lot of heart and insight and a really great ending. REALLY GREAT ending. The theatre was roaring with applause and cheers in the final scene. AMAZING. No one saw it coming and everyone was stoked!

Big Al and Fergie were there to see themselves on the big screen.

Produced by the National Film Board of Canada, Carts of Darkness features great cinematography, great portraits and great music by (one of my fave bands) Black Mountain, Bison, Ladyhawk and Alan Boyd (of Little Sparta). This is going to be a HUGE hit. CONGRATS MURRAY!!