In grade one, I had to do an assignment where we could do research on anything we wanted. I chose Bigfoot of course. My mother, thankfully, saved pretty much everything I ever did. My scanner is buggered right now so I photographed the pages.

10 out of 10!!! That's 100%!!! Top marks!!!

The bigfoot on the right here is holding a car's motor. This picture was inspired by the Six Million Dollar Man action figure. On the box it showed Steve Austin lifting a motor.


Toni Death. There were neighbours up the road named "Death" but they pronounced it "Deeth."

Here's my skilled rendering of the famous Patterson footage!


My teacher corrected my word "fur" to "footprint" which is wrong. I do remember a story from some TV show (probably Unexplained Mysteries) where a man found little patches of fur stuck to branches on the trees.



This story was "made up." All the characters, the plane, "jeep" and "boat" are from Fischer Price's "Adventure People."


Clearly you can see the differences between the monkey, gorilla and bigfoot. There's no mistaking them!

I remember seeing a picture of what I now know as the "Minnesota Iceman." Sometime in grade 1 I did a science fair project. I took a teddy bear and put it in a box, covered the top with "plastic wrap" and said that it was a bigfoot trapped in ice. I got a "worst place" ribbon.


I remember the billboard clearly. It was huge (maybe 20 feet high?--perspective is weird when you're a kid) and it had bigfoot holding a huge rock up over his head. I really wish my dad took a picture of this sign as the bigfoot in it looked really fucking cool. I think it was at a campground in B.C. called Bear Lake.

My friend and I did find some footprints but they weren't sasquatch. We just really really wanted them to be.


The bearded guy is my favourite but I think the coolest guy would be the guy with the tape recorder and check-mark above his head. The guy in the green shirt is alright (a little bit shifty) and the guy in the blue shirt is a complete ass.

This man needs medical treatment stat!


These trucks are really cool and I'm going to buy one sometime soon.

"siy" = shy. "cild" = killed. The weird one on the right is sitting by the lake having a drink. He's going to be on everyone's t-shirt next week.

This is the back cover. It wraps over to the front cover with a sasquatch walking up the hill into the trees. The guy here is plugging his nose and saying "What's that smell?"
What's amazing is the teacher's random corrections. There are so many spelling errors throughout but she only chooses to point out a select few.
I also had the opportunity to meet with one of the world's leading Bigfoot experts John Green at his home a few years back. I had brought this "book" for him to look at. It was pretty cool to have John Green reading my bigfoot "research" in his backyard. I have some video of this and when I dig it up, I'll post some of it.
1 comment:
Cool site! I never knew about bogfoot, but now im hooked. Keep at it
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