Finally some photos that are not some kind of "blobsquatch." Someone mentions in the BFRO comments that the creature looks to be taking the form of a felled tree stump. This is quite relevant in that a number of years ago, Andrew Duncan, Craig McEwen and I went on a sasquatch hunting trip with a hunter who claims to have seen many sasquatches. He told us that one time he saw one try to hide itself by crouching and splaying its arms and hands out to its side in order to resemble a tree stump. He said it would have been very effective had he not seen the creature do this.
I'm looking forward to following this further and will let you know what's going on! Hey, Jane Goodall thinks there's enough evidence for sasquatch's existence.
well Me and my two friend came across this creature 2 years ago but were unable to get a photo... but the sighting was reported on bigfootforums.com. the true name of the beast is the Benezette Banchee for the erie scream it makes.
well me and my two friends first discovered the creature two years ago. we sighted it while watching elk in Benezette, PA. that when we named it the original "Benezette Banchee" which comes from the name of the town. this was originally posted on Bigfootforums.com under the screen name Happyfoot, look it up!
well here is the link to the original post in october of 2004 where the name Benezette Banchee was "coined". http://www.bigfootforums.com/ the post is under sightings and encounters. originally posted by happyfoot.
Ill say this, I didnt believe in an unidentified flying object until I saw just that with my own two eyes, my daughter brother and sister also saw it so I know Im not crazy, as for the Bigfoot Id have to say that it looks strange to me and I dont think anyone has a right to claim it to be anything, not a bear or a bigfoot until someone actually finds a bigfoot corpse or captures a live bigfoot, this also goes for the people who are saying its a bear, come on, lets get reall, this thing is no bear.
I could tell from the beginning of this story when I first seen the pictures it was no bear. I could not understand why it took so long to prove it. You could just see the arms and legs were too long. I live in this area and its frustrating because the Pennsylvania Game Commision is always trying to cover up the truth.
I seen the pictures when they first were released to the public and they caught my attention. I admit I was a bit skeptical, but as time has passed and more information came out I now believe they are of an actual young bigfoot. I was fascinated with the limb to torso measurements that were compared to bears. Then when I read how the investigations following the photos revealed a couple eye witness encounters. I seen parts that should be covered by a tail if it was a bear, a possible face, and even some possible hidden toes I knew he was the real thing.
This isn't a bear it has to be some kind of ape that escaped from a zoo or someones pet. If they ever prove Bigfooot is real I'll agree that this is a young one.
These creatures survive from an ancestor called gigantipithicus a real Sasquatch thought to be extinct.Their ability to hide comes from years of adaptation as our technology advances.
This link tells the whole story very well.
Sorry, but that link doesn't explain the whole thing very well. Like I've been saying all along: I want this to be a juvysquatch but there's more weight on it being a bear and if you look at another post, i've clearly shown how you can see that it has a bear's head.
i don't really believe in sasquatch until they capture one but that was no bear- it's a chimp or a human
Is Bigfoot Real or fake? For over 400 a long time, there have been reporting’s of a man like beast that is certainly absolutely coated in hair.
Is Bigfoot True or mock? For over 4 hundred a long time, there have been reporting’s of a man like monster that may be absolutely coated in hair.
[url=http://www.is-bigfoot-real.com/]bigfoot videos[/url]
I still think it was a bigfoot Bushnell had Biologists look at the original photo from the camera and they said it was not a bear. Then when some scientists from Duke worked out the size with models it had 22 inch arms and a 18 inch long body that's impossible for a bear. Bear proportioned models didn't fit at the location when filmed with the game camera.
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