When Andrew Duncan and Melanie Snagg said they were getting married, Craig McEwen got to work. Using his powers of sleuthing, Craig knew that Andrew must have shot a bunch of video when he was a kid, so he called Andrew's childhood friend Mike for some dirt. Mike delivered. Craig phoned me one day and said "You have to get over here right now. No questions. Get here immediately." I hung up the phone and raced over. When I got there, Craig looked like a ghost and I asked him if he was alright. He gave me a beer and told me to sit down and shut up. Then he pushed play. We both sat there with our jaws wide open. Hours of footage. Brutal. It was a train-wreck and we knew we had to do something with it.
We decided to raid Andrew & Mel's photo albums and build a story that would lead up to our video treasure. We edited it together a week prior to the wedding and played there in front of hundreds of family and friends. Here is the video.
We decided to raid Andrew & Mel's photo albums and build a story that would lead up to our video treasure. We edited it together a week prior to the wedding and played there in front of hundreds of family and friends. Here is the video.

Before the Deep Dark Secret was finally revealed, we asked if anyone had any idea as to what the secret could be. No one could guess. Andrew didn't have a clue so we continued on with the video's secret. As soon as the first frame filled the screen, Andrew made his way to the door and left. He didn't want to come back and it was up to Greg to convince him to return for the rest of the humiliation.
That was the best video ever. When that came on Andrew jumped up in front of the screen and yelled, "NOOOOO!!",
then ran away..... love it.
I just peed my pants. That is so funny!!! I love Andrew.
Man.. that's gold. Solid Gold.
I don't know what to say, really, I thought I had special place in my heart for Monkey before... but now, I don't know if the words "special place," do the man justice.
He did the splits for christ's sake!
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