Friday, November 09, 2007


While renovating the Halfsquatch headquarters earlier this month I found a small wooden panel on the wall. It was hiding behind the safe. I pried open the panel and found a metal box which read "Useless Flim" [sic]. Inside were a number of reels including this one here:


crum said...

What a historical gem! I can't believe the film was in good enough shape to use! gee willickers

Johnny Darrell said...

I forgot to mention that the cameraman must have filmed the footage sideways because the sprocket holes on the film were on sideways and i had to rotate the reel so that it ran through the projector perpendicularly.

crum said...

You are a wizard my good man. The public thanks thee.

Heisenberg said...

Almost certainly Salvador Dali's first collaboration with Pablo!